Service description
We’re delighted to introduce you to our expert services at Ulis Group. Our team offers class-accredited expertise in non-destructive testing, including video, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and automated testing processes. We specialize in the inspection of dams, bridges and engineering structures, as well as in the inspection and acceptance of these structures. What’s more, we provide high-quality monitoring and contradictory CPS inspections.
Nos services comprennent
Ausculation profonde par robot ROV
Ausculation de barrages et de ponts
Visite et récéption d’ouvrages d’art & Suivi et controle contradictoire CPS
Expertise agréée de classe
Videos & photos subaquatique
Controle NDT « Non Destructive Test » par vidéo/US-UT/MPI/PROCATO

Working together
72, rue Al Wouroud . Beauséjour . Casablanca . Maroc