We have all the equipment suitable for different underwater works :

The company, now recognized in its sector of expertise, in the underwater works, becomes the ally of several areas: engineering, scuba diving in Morocco, scuba diver in Morocco …


organigramme ulis maroc


eric scuba diver morocco

Eric MOLLA (Founder of the ULIS Group – Scuba Diving Class IIIA)
Eric left the school of commando divers of the army in 1982 to join the CREPS and passed his underwater diving instructor where he became at the time the youngest instructor in France (F.F.E.S.S.M).
In 1983 after being classified professional diver Class III Mention A, he is engaged by the general company DORIS and travels during 8 years offshore oil rigs of the world in Congo, Angola, Nigeria …
Eric is also a pilot of ROV (San Diego) and C-box operator in the medical sector.
In 1992 he created ULIS as a unique founder.

Allal ED DAGUNI (Site Manager – Works
// Diving Category IIA)
Diver Class II Mention A out of the famous French school of INPP, Allal capitalizes 25 years of experience as site manager at ULIS. His legendary combativeness and years of experience have allowed him to carry out over a hundred projects on Africa and the Middle East. Allal has a capacity of adaptation on building site except norm, it integrates perfectly with the foreign cultures. At the same time, he is an operator with a C-Mention of hyperbaric chambers and an underwater welder, Bureau Véritas.

scuba diver morocco

Site manager scuba diver morocco

Salah SMOUNI (Site manager – Control & Expertise
// Diving boat Class IIB)
Specialized in control, DAO (Computer Assisted Drawing), bathymetric measurement and COFREN N2, Salah is also a classified diver. Its rigor and righteousness makes it a very powerful element for all missions of expertise and underwater control. Since the beginning of his career at ULIS, Salah has successfully carried out numerous missions in Morocco and Africa for clients such as Bolloré Africa Logistics, SOMAGEC, SGTM, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT …

Matthieu Dubois (AEO Division Manager – Spé Marine Biology / IB Class Diver)
Engineer / Manager in fisheries science and aquaculture formed by the INTECHMER / CNAM group, Matthieu also has a BOPE Biology License specializing in the marine environment.
Rich in experience on four continents, Matthieu joined the ULIS group and developed the OEA Division (Oceanography / Environment and Aquaculture).
Its involvement in the global environment is integrated into the contemporary dynamics of North Africa with the completion of a project such as the installation of artificial reef (Ministry of the Environment), reference states Marine Stocks Assessment (INRH) or Marine Outfall Environmental Impact Assessments (LYDEC).

fisheries science ulis morocco

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Redouane HARIR (Site manager – Spé acropod pose)
Redouane is a Category II scuba diver Mention A, his many years spent on long-term construction for control and the installation of the acropods make him an effective element in the port sector.
His sociability and open-mindedness makes him effective for team management and customer relations. Whatever the mission objectives and their destinations, he is always ready to go to the end of the world, recently in Djibouti for 3 months.


mean ulis morocco
means ulis moroccco

Radio de communicationBouteille NiskinCasque étanche "Aquadyne"Caissons Hyperbares mobilesParachute & Chameau de levageEnsemble CCTVPneumatique type Mark II-III-IV & V3 4*4 de chantier
Casque KMB28Benne Van VeenCombinaison étanche "Pommec"Valise de sécurité (Oxygéne et accessoire)Jetting Haute pressionCaméra & Appareil Photo HD2 "Rigiflex" de 4 mètres2 utilitaire moyen
Casque EXO26Quadrats de relevésRemorques/cabanes aménagées CCTVCarotteuse hydraulique
Ensemble caméra haute définition type  "Mangrove"1 barge Allu de de 7 mètres / 140 CHVX1 utilitaire léger
Facial "Cressi"2 Sondes multi paramètre ProfilerBulle de plongéePerforatrice hydrauliqueAppareil de mesure a Ultra Son1 Hors-bord de 6 mètres / 200 CHVX
Compresseur HPCourantométre ValportBouéeAnalyseur OxygenePerforatrice hydrauliqueAppareil de mesure procatoMoteurs Hors-Bord
Compresseur BPRov (150 metres)Banc d'essai haute pressionMarteau-Dérocteur Hydraulique
Moto Pompe2 ADCP, houle et courantMatériel de TIVClé a choc
Groupe Electrogéne1 ensemble bathymétrique mono faisceau et latéral
VHSPoste a souder
Echo SondeurPince Broco (Découpage)
Phare de PlongéeLance au refus
Bouteilles de PlongéePalan
Tableau de gaz surfaceLance Galiazzi
NarguiléPlasma de découpage